Just as there are planes and dimensions which exist beyond our third dimensional reality, so also are there hidden realms which lie deep beneath the surface of the planet.
These realms are a monitor and barometer of what Man, the bridge between the world of spirit and the world of nature, is achieving concerning the raising of consciousness within himself and thence for Gaia. Humanity's challenge is to live and be as spirit in the human form, overcoming the materialistic, self-centred focus which has prevailed for so long: this is best achieved through awareness and control of ego, and good intent.
The process towards the ascension of the planet, in which we play an important role, could be easy if we as a group, understood this aspect of our mission and did something about it. Until we do, the inner planes below our feet will reflect our complacency, our separation, through rumblings and explosions, as we are witnessing now through volcanic eruptions and ash clouds, floods and tornadoes. We are responsible for them.
The choices we make about the exploitation and devastation of inner earth as well as our seas and skies will be pivotal to our future, in every sense, and will affect the Plan of God. You who read these words have the wisdom to know what to do and how to be, and your thoughts, your example and your self do much to lighten the situation, and you help the Plan far more than you know. All is well.
This is the time when all that has been long hidden will be revealed.
With the discovery, through the use of revolutionary infra-red technology, of the existence in Egypt of 17 lost pyramids, 1000 unexcavated tombs and 3000 ancient settlements it is likely that extra-ordinary information will be uncovered. Initial explorations indicate that some of the sites are more important than anything that has been found in Egypt before.
The pharaoic dynasty began with priest-kings, great spiritual beings who came to earth to assist the evolution of man and as such they had innate gifts of wisdom and divine power, and tools of power also, some of which are waiting to be brought back to light and life. It is known in esoteric circles that ancient secrets about spiritual ritual, the use of sound and energy, longevity, healing, astronomy and astrology, and magic as practised by pharaohs and priests are hidden in Egypt, to be made known to the world when the world was ready. That time is now.
My heart stirred when I heard about the scientific findings in Egypt. You like me may find memories returning as you imagine what revelations may be waiting for us. What is even more exciting is that this technology can be used elsewhere, to see what lies beneath the soil in other countries with a great and ancient spiritual history. What next, I wonder?
Claire Montanaro is a skilled and sought after spiritual teacher, speaker, lecturer and author, with a reputation for inspiring and empowering her clients, students and audience. Based in Wales, her heartfelt desire is to assist people to actualise their total connectedness to all that is. Additionally, she offers a global philosophy for living and being in the new age for all seekers of truth. Seven simple yet intensely profound Principles form the core of her teaching, the practice of which embodies the New Consciousness and is a catalyst for One-ness. Her book "Spiritual Wisdom" is published by Piatkus Books. Her website can be found at http://www.inluminoglobal.co.uk where you can read more articles like this in her regularly updated Thoughts for the Day (blog).