| Pakistani joint winner of Amul Chote Ustad still awaits his prize money from Star Plus
| Indian partner of the winning duo gets fully paid while Pakistani joint winner still getting no response
| The fraud took place right in front of top Indian Showbiz personalities and TV audience of millions
| Distressed teen moves Pak government through attorney to seek justice from Indian TV ChannelIf Pakistan and Indian Tennis duo has emerged as big success for both the countries in the world of Tennis, then at the same the experiment has not been of a very good taste for Pakistanis when it comes joint ventures with the Indians in the field of Showbiz and particularly the music, reveal the investigations of The Daily Mail.
These findings indicates that if in the past, the Indian lyricists and musicians have been stealing the compositions and lyrics of Pakistani counterparts then now the Indians have adopted a new technique of targeting Pakistanis and depriving them of their due rights. The latest example in this regard is that of a Pak-India joint music contest, organised by India’s Star Plus Television Network and sponsored by a top food company of India, Amul India, with an annual turn over of billions of rupees. The Joint music venture was titled Amul Chote Ustad, a Pak-India joint musical contest, held in 2010.
The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that despite certain other controversies regarding the very said music show the biggest controversy took place right at the Grand Finale of the show that was held on 10 th October, 2010 at Shahji Raji Kareeda Sanku(Andheri Sports Complex) Andheri (W)Mumbai. In the Grande Finale, the duo comprising Rouhan Abbas of Pakistan and Akansha Sharma were declared the winners and thus were joint winners of the prize money of 20 million Indian Rupees to be equally distributed amongst them . Not only this but both were eligible to get another joint cash prize of Indian rupees 100,000, again to be distributed amongst both the winners.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the cheques of the winning amount were handed over to the winners at the climax of the Grand Finale. However soon after the show was over and the cameras went off air, the cheques were taken back by the Star Plus management, saying that there were some legal requirements to be fulfilled before the actual handing over of money to the winners.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that after this, the Pakistani winner of the duo, 13 year Rauhan Abbas returned to Pakistan as his visa was expiring, assuming that the management of Star TV would soon deliver him his prize money. However, despite numerous reminders by him and his family, the Star Plus management neither gave any response to their quires nor did transferred his prize money. On the other hand, The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate, the Indian member of the winning duo, Akansha Sharma was soon paid all her share, amounting 1 million and fifty thousand Indian rupee while her Pakistani partner still struggles to get his share with no response from Star Plus and other responsible from amongst the sponsors etc.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the victim of Star Plus’s fraud has now moved Pakistan government through his attorney to get justice. It would be interesting to mention here that when The Daily Mail tried to contact Primary Press Contact person of Star Plus Ms.Vasudha Jha on her Cell Phone number
+919833822406 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +919833822406 end_of_the_skype_highlighting as mentioned on Star Plus website, she refused to make any comment and instead disconnected the call and never received it again despite numerous attempts till the filing of this report. When contacted the victim Rouhan Abbas’s guardians, they said that Rouhan was very excited after making such an achievement and he and his family were very happy by the love and respect given by the Indian audience but this incident had ruined the excitement and happiness of Rouhan Abbas and his family and friends. They said they were very hopeful that with the efforts of their attorney and the officials concerned of government of Pakistan, Rouhan will soon get his deserving money through the organisers had promised to pay it within a maximum period of one month and that was in October 2010.
It is worth mentioning here that when the Star Plus management was getting indulged into this fraudulent activities, top personalities of Bollywood were present at the venue and millions of Indian TV audience were watching it on TV screen all over India and also in many other parts of the world. It appears that through this unscrupulous act, Star TV administration has not only cheated Rouhan Abbas but also the top Bollywood personalities as well as its viewers.