Recently a Pakistani filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy has won Oscar award for making a film on issues of acid thrown by man on women faces in Pakistan.But now everyone is saying that he or she will going to make a film but victim will change.Some Sharmeen's fans are appealing her to make a film on mans who got burn their faces after woman throws acids on his face.
The girl in Faisalabad named Nabila confessed her crime to the police as she said that boy named Mohsin had a sexual relation with her.No one is asking Innocent girl Nabila that how come she allowed him for such nasty things.Islam do not allow male & female friendship before marriage.I think now both of them should got hit 80 hunters each according to Islamic laws & teachings for doing sex before marriage.Also media should play sensible role on this type of serious issues.They should not appreciate crime either done by weaker person.
Also we should have to think on point that how could such types of dangerous acids are easily available in market that it is using as a washroom cleaner.Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy should make a documentary film that how & where these acid are made and there should be any rules & regulations for making these acids.If she want to remove bushes she has to cut down it's roots Also there should be check & balance how could Alcohol is banned & Acids are easily available across Pakistan.