Jobless plus Hopeless
An interesting thing one executive said was that there is no shame in work, but there's plenty of shame in waiting for charity.
The Ultimate Currency War
After the 2008 financial crisis, the liquidity trap induced policymakers to venture in unconventional endeavors. On the fiscal front, much has been discussed regarding the effectiveness of fiscal policy to pull developed countries out of the sluggish recovery.
Not giving Gold Medals in KU Annual convocation 2011 -A very good Decision
Its a very good decision by KU Administration to not giving gold medals to the position holders because everyone knows how they got positions in their respective discipline. Karachi University administration said that due to unavailability of sponsors we are unable to give gold medals to position holders.The main cause behind no interest of sponsors in giving sponsorship for gold medal might be they knows about checking system in KU.They have seen that what KU's gold medalist do in market after passing out.
A mighty question mark on PML-N " Merit Laptop Scheme"
All Pakistan knows better that what is the main motive behind these "SASTI ROTI" and "MERIT LAPTOPS" schemes.Just "1" vote from every individuals.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Reham Khan, Moeed Pirzada and Nadeem Malik top Anchors
Unemployment -Devil for Economy
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Google ordered to remove anti-Islamic film from YouTube
That outbreak coincided with an attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya. U.S. and other foreign embassies were also stormed in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.
For many Muslims, any depiction of the prophet is considered blasphemous.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Tom, Dick & Harry of cricketing World - BIG 3
India, Australia & England has become Tom , Dick and Harry of the cricket world. A sports which always remained controversial due to corruption in the face of spot fixing, fancy fixing and match fixing.Sports where mostly playing nations board like West Indies, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh don't have enough gosh for running its operations smoothly, where Boards price are some pennies, for which they can easily be sold out by Bookies.We can see example of other popular sports like football, tennis & rugby where their is no Capitalist board involve in the decision making process of its International Body of the concern sports.Whereas in Cricket, we are facing DADA-GIRI of two preempt boards Australia - England because of their financial stability.In recent years with the help of its biggest Match fixing market in the world, India has emerged as prominent power of Cricket also defeating its fathers Australia & England & is going to become monarch of Cricket.If money matters lot, then in future boards like UAE & China will also be part of leading ICC.
We might see G7 or G10 as in United Nations.Before the BIG 3 resolution was passed three boards were united against these 3 Idiots but South Africa who was always remained chokers has proved to be choker again and signed the resolution in favor of 3 Idiots after receiving coddle from India.However Pakistan and
Srilanka remained wall against these churl 3 Idiots propaganda despite of their financial problem by compelling them & its constituent through bluster that they will not allow any TOM, DICK and HARRY to make contest in the gentlemen game.On other hand, boards like Bangladesh & Newzealand were clamouring for money & to coddle them India offered lully Pop (Comely Compact) to them in return they promised to consign their vote to Cricket's 3 IDIOTS.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Mansha going to buy BURJ Bank & PIA
Our sources inside MCB Tower said that backdoor talks between BURJ and MCB Officials are in the process and most probably MCB will buy BURJ in couples of months.
Mian Mansha has named as best underwear friend of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (Prime Minister of Pakistan) also going to buy holding shares of PIA from government.
We Humari News team are prescribing their critics who are thinking it as false news, can bookmark this news and wait for privatization of PIA.
MCB is also hiring top guns of MEEZAN BANK ltd for running its new upcoming Islamic Bank.For weakening Meezan Bank's market share Mansha through his links inside PM house requested to make Mufti Taqi Usmani as Shariah Advisor of State Bank of Pakistan.After which he will work for MCB or BURJ Bank.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Most Expensive Celebrities in Pakistan’s Drama Industry