Jobless plus Hopeless
An interesting thing one executive said was that there is no shame in work, but there's plenty of shame in waiting for charity.

The Ultimate Currency War
After the 2008 financial crisis, the liquidity trap induced policymakers to venture in unconventional endeavors. On the fiscal front, much has been discussed regarding the effectiveness of fiscal policy to pull developed countries out of the sluggish recovery.
Not giving Gold Medals in KU Annual convocation 2011 -A very good Decision
Its a very good decision by KU Administration to not giving gold medals to the position holders because everyone knows how they got positions in their respective discipline. Karachi University administration said that due to unavailability of sponsors we are unable to give gold medals to position holders.The main cause behind no interest of sponsors in giving sponsorship for gold medal might be they knows about checking system in KU.They have seen that what KU's gold medalist do in market after passing out.
A mighty question mark on PML-N " Merit Laptop Scheme"
All Pakistan knows better that what is the main motive behind these "SASTI ROTI" and "MERIT LAPTOPS" schemes.Just "1" vote from every individuals.

Monday, March 25, 2013
Cyprus- Bailing out Economic Bubble
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Ali Gul Pir - Wadera ka beta song misled Saeens
Recently social web blockbuster song "Wadere ka beta" by Ali Gul Pir was on every lips across Pakistan. Everyone were considering it as a revolutionary song against feudalism in Pakistan.But it was noticed that young feudalist picked this song as honor for them.Son of Wadera listens song proudly in his hammer.Example of Shahzeb murder case by Wadera Shahrukh Jatoi can viewed as reflection of this song where Shahrukh believing himself as "Shahrukh Khan" killed Shahzeb to show world that he is the Boss & he can do anything in Pakistan, no one can even mess with him.Interestingly the name of song's character is "AKBAR JATOI" and before killing Shazeb in mouth firing between Shahrukh & Shahzeb, Shahrukh was found proclaiming that he is "Shahrukh Jatoi" (so called AKBAR JATOI of song) and proudly declaring himself Wadera of the region and threatening Shahrukh of bad results clashing with feudals.Actually Shahrukh (Wadera) servant misbehaved Shahzeb's sister before all these back-clash.When Shahzeb went for complaining servants act to Shahrukh, he refused Shahzeb considering himself a President of white house and his servant as a Raymond songs words "SAEEN TO SAEEN- SAEEN KA KUTTA BHI SAEEN".But he 've totally forgot that he is living in 21st century, especially in Metropolitan city like KARACHI where he can do everything which a wadera can do in his interior Sindh self control State.He can treat his inhabitants like animals but in cities like Karachi where people consider these waderas like Donkey not else, he can not do anything.
Shahrukh who escaped Dubai earlier after the murder is now in Jail. He came back due to PPP influence on his father coz his father has remained MPA in Sindh assembly as PPP candidate.So PPP was in criticism after this case & they convinced Shahrukh's father to bring back him Pakistan in promise to release him safely when people 'll forgot the case.But he should remember that there is no Guarantee of 2 things: 1. Chinese product & 2. PPP government's promise.
I think Shahrukh Jatoi has made biggest blunder after coming back Pakistan & giving himself in custody.Although he has seen as living in a wonder world in jail, he is giving all luxuries of life in Jail but election is near & if PPP loses election Shahrukh could has to lose his life as Halter order by court.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Lessons from My Bosses
I’ve worked directly for 7 financial services CEOs (don’t ask…’s a really long story) and covered many more during my days as a research analyst. Each of them worked very, very hard; each of them was incredibly smart; and each of them was human. They each taught me a lot as I saw them work under great stress….both “what to do’s” and (unintentionally) “what to don’ts.”
The best really understood the concept of NPV (net present value). By that, I mean they were willing to forgo earnings today, to invest smartly for more earnings tomorrow. For example, at Sanford Bernstein, we pulled our research analysts out of the underwriting business, with the view that an unconflicted business model, focused on just one set of clients, would be a winning one. (It was, eventually, but it sometimes hurt along the way.) In contrast, others tried to maximize every quarter’s earnings, cutting investments halfway through the year (or quarter) like clockwork in order to reach consensus analyst estimates. Even worse, a number consistently under-invested in technology, mostly because it was hard to quantify the return. The end results ranged from poor customer and employee experiences, to devastating mistakes in managing risk.
The best set the company’s course, communicated it broadly and were ok if some shareholders chose to sell the stock. In contrast, there was one who set the company’s annual budget based on meeting sell-side earnings estimates. Here the cart was firmly before the horse.
The best: one of my bosses was insatiably (almost obnoxiously) curious; he would stop people in the hall to ask about some detail of their business, or some tidbit he had heard in his travels. He peppered nearly everyone he met with questions, including unsuspecting taxi drivers. His business reviews were exhausting, detailed affairs, akin to mental marathons, in which explanations were not taken at face value. The result was that everyone operated at a higher standard.
On the other hand, I once sat through an entire business review in which the CEO didn’t ask his managers a single substantive question. Instead, he opined on his view of the business to (or at) the assembled businesspeople.
The best: at one firm, the culture was to hire unconventionally, bringing in people with a broad range of backgrounds. The talent we uncovered, where others weren’t looking, could be amazing. In contrast, a couple of CEOs surrounded themselves with a long-tenured “inner circle” and filtered information through them. One of the many reasons for the financial melt-down was the unexamined groupthink that pervaded Wall Street, enabled by senior managers “breathing the same air.”
The best didn’t just say he cared about employees in the Corporate Value statement. He actually did. And he demonstrated it, in one case using his Board contacts to find a top specialist physician for the dying girlfriend of one of our employees (an employee he had never met, by the way). This rippled through the company like wildfire and was a source of pride. At another company, while the Corporate Value statement said about the same things, one long-time senior executive was fired while he was on vacation with his family (!)…..and was given the responsibility of announcing it to his management team in a conference call scheduled for 30 minutes later (!!) Oh, and it was a reorganization; the guy was not fired for cause. This too rippled through the company like wildfire, but in a very different way.
The best CEOs gave thoughtful, detailed performance feedback to his directs on a regular basis. In contrast, I worked in one business that coupled forced stack rankings of employees with anonymous 360 degree performance reviews. What those reviews lacked in pettiness, they made up for in nastiness, as employees tried to improve their own relative standing by anonymously criticizing their peers. Lovely.
The best CEO was highly visible during the financial crisis; even if he was saying the same thing again and again, you had no doubt that he was captaining the ship. In contrast, one leader hunkered down and nearly stopped returning phone calls as he worked through the issues. The work and mental effort were admirable, but the lack of visibility fed enormous anxiety at the company.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed in Pakistan
Six Factors That Can Cost You the Interview
(1) Being unprepared for the interview. Prepare, plan, and practice! In today's tough job market, you MUST do everything you can to give yourself an edge... preparation is the key.
(2) Not being able to communicate clearly and effectively. This is important during the interview and on the job. Being nervous can really mess up your communication skills, so being well prepared and practicing what you're going to say are always your best bet.
(3) Being aggressive, arrogant, or acting in a superior way. No one wants to hire or work with people who think they're better than everyone else. Be careful with your attitude, even if you think you're surrounded by incompetent fools. Being confident is good. Being an arrogant jerk is bad.
(4) Making excuses for failings. Your teacher never bought "The dog ate my homework!" and your boss isn't going to buy "The finance department gave me the wrong figures!" In the grown-up world, you have to take responsibility for what you are responsible for! You'll never earn respect by blaming others when things go wrong.
(5) Saying unfavorable things about previous employers. Even if you left a job because the boss was an egomaniac who took credit for all of your hard work, verbally abused you in front of others, and poisoned the plant on your desk, don't say anything bad about him/her during an interview. When asked "Why did you leave your last job?" say something like "My manager and I both agreed that my advancement opportunities were limited there and obtaining another position was the best option for me and my career goals."
(6) Having a poor/limp handshake. Why do people think you'll be a lousy employee if you have a lousy handshake? That's not really logical, is it? Doesn't matter. It just turns people off and gives them a bad impression of you. So make your handshake firm and confident but not bone-crushing. (It's not a competition to see who winces first!)
If you DON'T want to be unemployed, don't let any of those traits apply to you!