Jobless plus Hopeless
An interesting thing one executive said was that there is no shame in work, but there's plenty of shame in waiting for charity.

The Ultimate Currency War
After the 2008 financial crisis, the liquidity trap induced policymakers to venture in unconventional endeavors. On the fiscal front, much has been discussed regarding the effectiveness of fiscal policy to pull developed countries out of the sluggish recovery.
Not giving Gold Medals in KU Annual convocation 2011 -A very good Decision
Its a very good decision by KU Administration to not giving gold medals to the position holders because everyone knows how they got positions in their respective discipline. Karachi University administration said that due to unavailability of sponsors we are unable to give gold medals to position holders.The main cause behind no interest of sponsors in giving sponsorship for gold medal might be they knows about checking system in KU.They have seen that what KU's gold medalist do in market after passing out.
A mighty question mark on PML-N " Merit Laptop Scheme"
All Pakistan knows better that what is the main motive behind these "SASTI ROTI" and "MERIT LAPTOPS" schemes.Just "1" vote from every individuals.

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Nomi Ansari Designs For Reema khan- Love Mein Gum
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
T.V Anchor Kashif Abbasi engaged with Mehr Bokhari
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Second Monthly WikiLeaks Central Competition | US State Department Cable Analysis
The second monthly WikiLeaks Central Competition 2011 will focus on soliciting analysis of one or more of the US State Department cables released by WikiLeaks.
Submissions may use one or more of the cables released on the WikiLeaks Web site on or prior to 11:59 p.m. July 31, 2011.
All sources used must be clearly identified when they occur and include the name of the source, and, when available, a hypertext link to the source content. Citations of cables MUST use the cable's "REFERENCE ID" and a hyperlink to the source document.
1.) If you do not already have one, register for a WLC account.
2.) Send an email to with the header: Competition: TITLE OF ANALYSIS by WLC ACCOUNT NAME. Insert your essay into the body of the email.
3.) See submission guidelines and rules below.
1. Eligibility/topics. The Monthly WLC Competition is open to (i) any registered member of except editors and WLC essay competition judges. Regular WL Central contributors, who are not editors or judges, may enter.
a. Submissions must focus primarily on theme of the month and can be any length. Submissions must be text based (we prefer html) and emailed to
b. WL Central will have the right to publish the submission without payment to the author but with attribution to the author under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please clearly indicate that your material is for publication and indicate the name you would like to appear as author. Submissions are allowed one hyperlink under the name of the author.
c. Content, previously submitted to an earlier monthly WLC essay competition, may not be again for subsequent competitions.
d. Any quotations or copyrighted material used must be properly identified. Failure to identify non-original material will result in disqualification. Each registered account may enter only one entry for this month's competition. The submission must have a title.
e. Submissions can be written in any language.
2. Selection of winners. The winning essay will be selected by WL Central's editors based on (i) newsworthiness; (ii) supporting research; and (iii) organization and writing style. (iv) We will consider the essay's capacity to engender online discourse in the form of comments and retweets. The competition finalists will be published on WLC prior to the final selection. The competition winner will be notified on or about August 15, 2011, and an announcement of the winner will be sent via email to the winning entrant shortly thereafter.
3. Prize. A cash prize will be awarded for the winning essay ($US 100 US). WL Central may, in its discretion, decide to split prizes or award additional prizes.
4. Deadline for submission. All essays submitted for the competition must be received by WL Central by no later than 11:59 p.m. GMT, July 31, 2011.
5. In the event that none of the submissions are judged to be of suitable merit or unforeseen technical difficulties, WLC retains the right to roll the award to the next month's competition prize.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Social Hangouts: Facebook Video Chat For Up To 20
An alternative to the Google Hangouts feature on Google Plus was introduced in the form of Social Hangouts on Facebook, which enables video chatting with up to 20 friends without leaving the social network’s platform.
While Facebook and Skype teamed up to debut a video chat feature of their own, the developers of Social Hangouts say group videoconferencing isn’t part of the deal.
Readers, have you tried the third-party application Social Hangouts? What do you think of it?
Star Plus TV Network and sponsors Amul India jointly cheat Pakistani winners of music show
| Pakistani joint winner of Amul Chote Ustad still awaits his prize money from Star Plus
| Indian partner of the winning duo gets fully paid while Pakistani joint winner still getting no response
| The fraud took place right in front of top Indian Showbiz personalities and TV audience of millions
| Distressed teen moves Pak government through attorney to seek justice from Indian TV Channel
If Pakistan and Indian Tennis duo has emerged as big success for both the countries in the world of Tennis, then at the same the experiment has not been of a very good taste for Pakistanis when it comes joint ventures with the Indians in the field of Showbiz and particularly the music, reveal the investigations of The Daily Mail.
These findings indicates that if in the past, the Indian lyricists and musicians have been stealing the compositions and lyrics of Pakistani counterparts then now the Indians have adopted a new technique of targeting Pakistanis and depriving them of their due rights. The latest example in this regard is that of a Pak-India joint music contest, organised by India’s Star Plus Television Network and sponsored by a top food company of India, Amul India, with an annual turn over of billions of rupees. The Joint music venture was titled Amul Chote Ustad, a Pak-India joint musical contest, held in 2010.
The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that despite certain other controversies regarding the very said music show the biggest controversy took place right at the Grand Finale of the show that was held on 10 th October, 2010 at Shahji Raji Kareeda Sanku(Andheri Sports Complex) Andheri (W)Mumbai. In the Grande Finale, the duo comprising Rouhan Abbas of Pakistan and Akansha Sharma were declared the winners and thus were joint winners of the prize money of 20 million Indian Rupees to be equally distributed amongst them . Not only this but both were eligible to get another joint cash prize of Indian rupees 100,000, again to be distributed amongst both the winners.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the cheques of the winning amount were handed over to the winners at the climax of the Grand Finale. However soon after the show was over and the cameras went off air, the cheques were taken back by the Star Plus management, saying that there were some legal requirements to be fulfilled before the actual handing over of money to the winners.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that after this, the Pakistani winner of the duo, 13 year Rauhan Abbas returned to Pakistan as his visa was expiring, assuming that the management of Star TV would soon deliver him his prize money. However, despite numerous reminders by him and his family, the Star Plus management neither gave any response to their quires nor did transferred his prize money. On the other hand, The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate, the Indian member of the winning duo, Akansha Sharma was soon paid all her share, amounting 1 million and fifty thousand Indian rupee while her Pakistani partner still struggles to get his share with no response from Star Plus and other responsible from amongst the sponsors etc.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the victim of Star Plus’s fraud has now moved Pakistan government through his attorney to get justice. It would be interesting to mention here that when The Daily Mail tried to contact Primary Press Contact person of Star Plus Ms.Vasudha Jha on her Cell Phone number +919833822406 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +919833822406 end_of_the_skype_highlighting as mentioned on Star Plus website, she refused to make any comment and instead disconnected the call and never received it again despite numerous attempts till the filing of this report. When contacted the victim Rouhan Abbas’s guardians, they said that Rouhan was very excited after making such an achievement and he and his family were very happy by the love and respect given by the Indian audience but this incident had ruined the excitement and happiness of Rouhan Abbas and his family and friends. They said they were very hopeful that with the efforts of their attorney and the officials concerned of government of Pakistan, Rouhan will soon get his deserving money through the organisers had promised to pay it within a maximum period of one month and that was in October 2010.
It is worth mentioning here that when the Star Plus management was getting indulged into this fraudulent activities, top personalities of Bollywood were present at the venue and millions of Indian TV audience were watching it on TV screen all over India and also in many other parts of the world. It appears that through this unscrupulous act, Star TV administration has not only cheated Rouhan Abbas but also the top Bollywood personalities as well as its viewers.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Military Women In Combat
For years, we have been accustomed to women being part of our military, being deployed in dangerous zones, just as our young men are. During the 60's when young girls were considering to go into the various branches, it was believed that they would be clerks and nurses in safe, non-war zones. Throughout the years, women going to war has been and continues to be a hot topic. The main subject of the debate has been should women go to combat. However, our history shows a different story about women and war.
From 1775-1783, women traveled with soldiers during the American Revolution working as nurses, cooks, and laundresses.
Mary Marshall and Mary Allen, during the War of 1812, were nurses on the ship "United States" under Commodore Stephen Decatur.
First Female Soldiers
The first female soldier, although under false pretenses, served in the Mexican War (1846-1848). Elizabeth Newcom enlisted in Company D of the Missouri Volunteer Infantry. After marching for over 600 miles, in Pueblo, Colorado, infantryman Bill Newcomb, was discovered to be, in reality, Elizabeth Newcomb, and was discharged upon the discovery that Bill Newcomb was a female.
During the Civil War (1861-1865), not only did women work taking care of the wounded, women from the south and the north, disguised themselves as men, and enlisted in the army on both sides. Dr. Mary Walker was the first woman to ever receive the Medal of Honor.
20 nurses died during the Spanish American War in 1898. They died taking care of those who had contracted the highly contagious diseases of malaria, yellow fever, and typhoid. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee was the first woman to be appointed as Assistant Surgeon General. Dr. Newcomb also wrote the legislation for a Permanent Corps of Nurses. In 1901, the first corp of nurses, which was the Army Nurse Corps was established. In 1908, the Navy Nurse Corps was born.
Women P.O.W.'s
During World War I (1917-1918), over 400 nurses died from the Spanish Flu epidemic.
Over 21,480 female, army nurses were deployed overseas, as well as in the U.S.A. 18 African American Army nurses were deployed stateside to care for the German P.O.W's and the injured African American male soldiers.
233 females were trained by the Army to work on the front, in France, as bilingual telephone operators.
11,880 female Yeomen were stationed stateside.
1476 Navy nurses worked caring for soldiers in various military hospitals.
The U.S. Marines trained 305 female reservists as telephone operators, and clerks on the homefront which relieved the men who were going off to the battlefield.
Although women did not receive the same treatment as male officers, the Army Reorganization Act of 1920 allowed female military personnel to receive office status.
During the years of 1941-1945, World War II, 60, 000 nurses served at home and overseas. We often hear stories of the POW's. One fact that is not well-known, is that in 1942, 67 females nurses were captured by the Japanese and held as P.O.W.'s for over 2 years. For 5 months, 5 Navy nurses were captured at Guam, and held as P.O.W.'s. 11 other Navy nurses were held for 37 months, as P.O.W.'s when captured by the Japanese on the Philippine islands.
Branches of Women In The Military
The first group of women in the military was known as the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps or The WAAC. In 1943, the WAAC was changed to what is known today as the Women's Army Corp or WAC'S. More than 1500,000 women served their country in World War II.
Military women were more than nurses, or cooks, or telephone operators. Women also served as ferriers, test pilots, civil service pilots, and as anti-aircraft artillery trainers in the Air Force, known as WASP's or Women's Air Force Service Pilots.
Over 400, 000 military women, during World War II, served their country, at home and overseas, on noncombat missions.
The Navy Women's Reserve also known as the WAVES, had over 80,000 women who worked as nurses, clerks, in administration and who also gathered intelligence.
The Marine Corp Women's Reserve also did their part, working along their peers, taking care of things at home, filling important positions, while our young men went off to war.
During the Korean War from 1950-1953, more than 500 military nurses were in the combat zone alone. Others performed their duties in various Japanese hospitals.
Army: In 1950, an Army nurse died in a place crash, while heading for Korea.
Navy: 11 Navy nurses died at the Marshall Islands in a plane crash
Air Force: 3 nurses died, while on duty, in a plane crash.
Between 1955-1965 males were accepted to the Nurse Corps.
The Marine Corp appointed the first female as an attache', who was the first to serve under hostile fire.
Vietnam War: 1965-1975
Over 7000 women served as nurses. Army nurses served well under enemy fire at military style MASH units.
While serving in the Air Force, a flight nurse on the C-5A Galaxy transport died on take-off, while transporting Vietnamese orphans. There were at least six more military women who died in the line of duty.
As the story continues, so does the debate as to whether women should enter into combat or not, which according to history, appears to be a mute point.
Linda Smith
A freelance writer as well as an advocate for the disabled and the rights of the disabled.
The Effects of War on the Families of Soldiers
"I'm just trying to be a father, raise a daughter and a son, be a lover to their mother, everything to everyone...yeah, I'm real good under pressure being all that I can be...I just work straight through the holidays, and sometimes all night long...'cause freedom don't come free.. I'm an American, an American Soldier." - Toby Keith, excerpts from his song, "American Soldier."
When the soldier receives his or her orders for going to war, this not only impacts the warrior, but also, the family. As a military spouse, the partner must prepare for being apart from his or her soldier for long periods of time. If the couple has children, care must be taken to ensure the family understands that "daddy" or "mommy" is coming back home after war.
Quite often, it is more up to spouse of the deployed, than anyone else in the family, as to how well the family unit will adjust during the soldier's deployment period. It is vital for the soldier to believe he or she has 100% trust and support from their spouse (assuming he or she is married) before, during, and after deployment.
The following are four suggestions for the spouse to make the complete deployment easier for the soldier and the family:
(1). Maintain the same routines (in life, at home, work, or school) before, during, and after deployment as closely as possible. This is what your soldier is used to, your children are used to, and this provides the soldier comfort knowing all is status quo.
(2). Once the soldier has deployed, join a support group with others, reach out to family members or trusted friends, and just talk about your feelings. There will be some difficult days, but always know people care.
(3). Keep your cell phone on 24/7. There are times the soldier stands in a line and waits three hours just to hear your voice. Things we take for granted every day, are important to a soldier who has a spouse. Keep yourself available for those calls, Skype, and the internet as often as possible. What he or she wants to hear from you are normal, everyday activities. This is comforting to the one who is at war.
(4). Make no major life changes and by no means, vacant the deployment post. The soldier needs to know their spouse is waiting for them during R&R. Again, the soldier needs to be assured the family is right there waiting his or her return.
When the soldier returns from war, there will be an adjustment period for the entire family. If the soldier is married, the spouse has had to maintain the household during the entire deployment period. This has become the norm. The following are four suggestions for a smooth transition for families when the soldier returns from war:
(1). Understand it may take time for sharing of household duties, such as bill-paying, putting children to bed, preparing dinner, and simple things, such as grocery shopping. Your soldier has been fighting a war and has not been doing any of these "normal" things.
(2). Psychologically, your soldier may need counseling or therapy. Your family may also need help in recognizing some of the symptoms from battling in war so you can help cope with your loved one. Furthermore, the family members may need support, either through reading, therapy, or talking with the VA, about how to handle the issues that may arise from their soldier who has endured war and come back home. There are things that should be said and things that should never be said to a warrior, even when that person is your spouse. Education is the key.
(3). Give the soldier space. There is no set time limit on how soon a soldier can reintegrate back into anormal everyday routine, even at home. Your partner may want to make love with you every night for two weeks straight, and then not want intimacy for the next month. Try to remember there may be flashbacks, or numbing, especially if they have been in active combat zones, and what used to be "normal" for you as a couple or family, may take time to be "normal" once again.
(4). Possibly, the most difficult adjustment for the family when the soldier returns from war is the social aspect. If your family is used to attending church services every Sunday, the soldier may not wish to go immediately. If the company you work for is hosting a large company party, your soldier might not want to attend that. If it is normal for you to go to the mall with your children, this may make the soldier uncomfortable, especially if there are crowds. Even going to a bowling alley, movie theater, or things we consider to be "normal" may make your soldier feel uncomfortable at first. Please remember to give your partner some time to readjust to social settings. The soldier is trained to scan people in crowds, look for differences, and notice what we would never notice. The social aspect of reintegration back into society is one many would rarely think of.
I personally, have never been a military spouse or even been in the military. Nonetheless, I have counseled many military wives and numerous soldiers and understand the conflicts faced during war. War is war. There is no need for the home to be a battlefield, also.
With these suggestions, a lot of love, and a little bit of work, the families not only can survive the consequences of war, they can become a more closely knit entity than they were before. It does take work, but who ever said being in the military was easy?
Gayle Joplin Hall, PhD is The Happiness Life Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker and Expert in DV, PTSD, Crisis Analysis and Behavior Consultation. She is President and Founder of Dr. Hall on Call and offers online, phone, and in-person coaching sessions. Sign up for the Weekly Happiness Thought and register for special promotions. To schedule your "Hall-Call" contact Dr. Gayle so she can help you discover your bliss and passion. Grab your complimentary downloadable MP3 recorded interview, jam-packed full of ideas to help you create happiness by visiting today!
Is the World Getting Worse?
Is the world getting worse? Are things going to hell in a handbasket? Here's what Socrates thought in 400B.C.
"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers."
"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they alone knew everything and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for girls, they are forward, immodest and unwomanly in speech, behaviour and dress."
People are how they've always been. We haven't changed one bit. There are those of us that accept this as the natural way of things... and then there are the alarmists who are so afraid of the world itself that they want to shelter themselves from it and create an artificial world view that has never and can never be realized. As a student of history, the world becomes much clearer when everything can be seen in perspective. Nothing ever changes...
I'd be willing to bet the average person in ancient Egypt, Sumeria, Napoleonic France, the American Old West, and Chin Dynasty China would all recognize the same humor, tell the same jokes we still tell today, have the same day to day problems in their marriages, and hope for the same things in life. Even the gladiatorial games in Rome can still be felt today at an American football match. As much as people want to paint the past as somehow better than the present, it just isn't true. The myth of the "Greatest Generation" that returned home from WWII being the leading culprit in this interpretation of history, we all long for a bygone era but in truth, people are people.
With a constantly rising population, and news channels still stuck in a 24 hour time cycle, more and more only the bad news is reported because there's more of it. The ratio is always the same though. If there is one person murdered per 10,000 people, there are 100,000 per billion. And it all needs to be reported sadly. No, the world isn't getting any worse, it's just becoming more populated and our methods of keeping ourselves informed are creating an illusion that creates fear. Yes, in the 50s people generally didn't lock their doors and trusted their neighbor. But when all you hear about is crime and murder, it does seem like today is worse than yesterday, doesn't it... even though yesterday was exactly the same as today...
What the Government Should Do With Our Money
As we circle around the notion of complete financial collapse here in the USA - it seems that a good strong dose of innovation that we Americans are so famous for is in order -
I have one idea that seems to be worthy of running up the flag pole -
One of the greatest areas of concern in our country is and should be the concept of migrating away from our dependence on carbon based fuel (Coal, Oil) as a means of producing energy for consumption by the masses.
This will not be achieved in a few short years or even decades - however starting towards that goal NOW should be a rallying point which we all can agree to pursue - prizes could be given out for the most innovative ideas - tax breaks and other means of incentivizing the general public to pursue the concept aggressively could be easy to put into place (a stimulus plan that really has a benefit for all) - it would make great nightly "positive" news - "who wants to be a millionaire" shows could actually contribute something to the whole - good ideas.
So here goes - "Energy parks" for ALL new commercial and residential developments - the concept is not totally new - current developments have green space and water runoff/reclamation ponds; this would be an enhancement on that idea that would help alleviate the new developments need to consume more energy and resources. The "energy Parks" would be a, "set -aside", of land area in the new development that would be used to harvest energy for the new development - how much set-aside and the method used to harvest energy would depend on the geographic area of the country and the size of the project being built.
An example would be a new housing development in the central valley of California - HUGE amounts of potential sun power available to harvest - and maybe some wind power as well - so we take the number of proposed homes being built and their projected annual energy consumption - then set-aside enough land area to "set up" the necessary solar and wind collectors to harvest a supply of - x - amount of the total energy needed for the development. The X in the equation could be the % at or below 100% needed and the tax breaks would run to the individual home owners - unless the cities funded the project as a part of a national energy conservation act - Using a bundled Tax incentive under a government incentive, Innovation Tax Pool, Granted to states for Job Creation.
Pretty simple in concept - difficult or impossible without a financial incentive or Stimulus from the government - better than bucks for clunkers or appliances - energy harvesting would be a long term benefit to all
Author - Todd Thompson
Todd is the owner of Physician Services Group, LLC PhysicianCVs, "Physician Speak!" and The Physician Speak Insider
He writes blogs and articles about all things Physician and can be found on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other Ezine sources - he also writes personal interest articles from time to time
Secrets and Dimensions Under the Earth
Just as there are planes and dimensions which exist beyond our third dimensional reality, so also are there hidden realms which lie deep beneath the surface of the planet.
These realms are a monitor and barometer of what Man, the bridge between the world of spirit and the world of nature, is achieving concerning the raising of consciousness within himself and thence for Gaia. Humanity's challenge is to live and be as spirit in the human form, overcoming the materialistic, self-centred focus which has prevailed for so long: this is best achieved through awareness and control of ego, and good intent.
The process towards the ascension of the planet, in which we play an important role, could be easy if we as a group, understood this aspect of our mission and did something about it. Until we do, the inner planes below our feet will reflect our complacency, our separation, through rumblings and explosions, as we are witnessing now through volcanic eruptions and ash clouds, floods and tornadoes. We are responsible for them.
The choices we make about the exploitation and devastation of inner earth as well as our seas and skies will be pivotal to our future, in every sense, and will affect the Plan of God. You who read these words have the wisdom to know what to do and how to be, and your thoughts, your example and your self do much to lighten the situation, and you help the Plan far more than you know. All is well.
This is the time when all that has been long hidden will be revealed.
With the discovery, through the use of revolutionary infra-red technology, of the existence in Egypt of 17 lost pyramids, 1000 unexcavated tombs and 3000 ancient settlements it is likely that extra-ordinary information will be uncovered. Initial explorations indicate that some of the sites are more important than anything that has been found in Egypt before.
The pharaoic dynasty began with priest-kings, great spiritual beings who came to earth to assist the evolution of man and as such they had innate gifts of wisdom and divine power, and tools of power also, some of which are waiting to be brought back to light and life. It is known in esoteric circles that ancient secrets about spiritual ritual, the use of sound and energy, longevity, healing, astronomy and astrology, and magic as practised by pharaohs and priests are hidden in Egypt, to be made known to the world when the world was ready. That time is now.
My heart stirred when I heard about the scientific findings in Egypt. You like me may find memories returning as you imagine what revelations may be waiting for us. What is even more exciting is that this technology can be used elsewhere, to see what lies beneath the soil in other countries with a great and ancient spiritual history. What next, I wonder?
Claire Montanaro is a skilled and sought after spiritual teacher, speaker, lecturer and author, with a reputation for inspiring and empowering her clients, students and audience. Based in Wales, her heartfelt desire is to assist people to actualise their total connectedness to all that is. Additionally, she offers a global philosophy for living and being in the new age for all seekers of truth. Seven simple yet intensely profound Principles form the core of her teaching, the practice of which embodies the New Consciousness and is a catalyst for One-ness. Her book "Spiritual Wisdom" is published by Piatkus Books. Her website can be found at where you can read more articles like this in her regularly updated Thoughts for the Day (blog).
In Celebration of Independence Day
July 4, 1776
While the birth of our nation followed several years later with the signing of the Articles of Confederation (1781), and still later the Constitution of the United States (September 17, 1787), the fourth of July is our country's most coveted day - Independence Day. The day we recognize as the signing date of the Declaration of Independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. With the stroke of the quill, and in John Hancock's case, a flourish, thirteen small colonies declared their separation from the most powerful nation on earth, their former sovereign.
Interestingly, though, it was in fact July 2nd when the Second Continental Congress legally separated from the crown when it approved a resolution of independence. That resolution was brought forth by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia. I lived in Leesburg, Virginia (his namesake) for several years, so I thought I would mention his contribution.
The day after the resolution passed, John Adams wrote a letter to his wife, Abigail, which included this prescient and almost accurate passage,
"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more."
Think of that statement. These men were about to officially face down the enormous military might of an empire - with a ragtag army, virtually untrained militiamen and scarce resources. It had been just over a year since Congress had appointed George Washington as General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army (June 15, 1775). And the day before that it had authorized the formation of 10 companies of riflemen from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia. This was the birthday of the Army and Army Infantry. And now, a year later, on July 3rd, John Adams expresses to his love Abigail, his faith and confidence that they will indeed be victorious - that what was born on July 2nd would live on and prosper. Tell me these men were not extraordinary.
So, this weekend we will, for the 235th time, celebrate this 'most memorable epoch'. Those men pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to each other and the cause of freedom. They were giants among men. And the seed they planted that day has grown into the greatest, most prosperous nation in the world.
In all the world, over all the time man has walked upright, only 5% of humanity has ever known freedom. And never before had there been a nation that was borne of an idea - of natural rights - and designed from the ground up to protect those rights. To honor the individual. To form a government with the express purpose of insuring the freedom and liberty of its citizens forever.
And now, two hundred and thirty-five years later, we continue to tinker with the gift these men bestowed on us - in the name of progress. Elena Kagan would barely recognize the Declaration of Independence at her confirmation hearings. She didn't recognize the integral nature of the founding document - the explanation of who we are. And now she sits on the highest court of the land. Franklin Delano Roosevelt envisioned a Second Bill of Rights that embodied the antithesis of the American spirit. And last year we crossed a point where the majority of the American people exist, at least partially, on the government dole. We've come a long way, baby.
Next to Washington and Lincoln, my third favorite president is Calvin Coolidge. The last truly anti-progressive president until Ronald Reagan. He was also the last president who wrote all his own speeches. I think he best expressed the legacy we have been given in a speech he delivered on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence:
"About the Declaration there is a finality that is exceedingly restful. It is often asserted that the world has made a great deal of progress since 1776, that we have had new thoughts and new experiences which have given us a great advance over the people of that day, and that we may therefore very well discard their conclusions for something more modern. But that reasoning cannot be applied to this great charter. If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions. If anyone wishes to deny their truth or their soundness, the only direction in which he can proceed historically is not forward, but backward toward the time when there was no equality, no rights of the individual, no rule of the people. Those who wish to proceed in that direction can not lay claim to progress. They are reactionary. Their ideas are not more modern, but more ancient, than those of the Revolutionary fathers."
Is Calvin Coolidge your hero now, too? Simple, succinct, to the point - it could almost fit on a tweet, yet speaks volumes.
I hope and pray that as we all enjoy these next few days, at a time when we face a crisis of identity in this country, that we reflect on President Coolidge's sage words and honor the genius of our Founders. Their genius was indeed timeless. We have all been blessed with a divine gift - the freedom to be who we want to be. To live our lives as we see fit.
The Founders pledged and risked all to grant us the freedom we hold. Don't we owe it to them, to ourselves, and to our posterity to preserve that gift 'from this time forward forever more'?
Happy Independence Day!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Giles Clarke to visit Pakistan and request Zardari to reduce political intervention in Pakistan cricket
Pakistan News: Giles Clarke to request Asif Ali Zardari
By Faisal Caesar
The Pakistan president Asif Ali Khan Zardari will be requested by Giles Clarke, the ECB boss to reduce political intervention the country’s cricket as he is planning to visit Pakistan.
The ICC at its annual meeting at Hong Kong last month adopted the need for political independence world wide and has given Pakistan two years time settle its constitution.
Giles who chaired the ICC Pakistan task team which recommended that freedom from political freedom from political intervention will be significant in improving the cricket structure in Pakistan.
But Pakistan did not object to the proposal at the annual meeting in Hong Kong last month, but argued that 'the circumstances in Pakistan are unique' and that the system 'cannot certainly be labelled as faulty'.
The PCB rejected the task team's recommendation that 'captains should be selected by a selection committee, and that the system where a captain is appointed by the PCB chairman, currently Ijaz Butt, and approved by the governing board, should be abolished.'
'We respectfully disagree with this recommendation. In Pakistan the system of selecting a captain is different. No reason has been given by the Pakistan task team in support of its recommendation that a selection committee is the best judge of who the captain of Pakistan should be. If this recommendation is based on what other countries follow, it may not work for Pakistan. Again the authority to nominate the captain has been delegated by the governing board to the chairman,' PCB said in a statement.
So, Clarke wants to go to Pakistan to ensure the task team's reasons are clearly outlined, and to counter criticism from Pakistan that the task team did not spend enough time in the country before making recommendations intended to improve Pakistan cricket's efficiency and integrity'.
Governor SBP resignation: IMF-PAK talks delayed -
Finance Ministry sources told Geo News that the place and date for talks had not been decided and prior to this the talks were expected to take place on July 11. IMF officials are waiting on Pakistan to submit a new date for the talks. According to sources, the State Bank is central to talks between the IMF and Pakistan. The delay in talks will place the $ 1.7 billion tranche Pakistan is expected to receive from the IMF in danger. | ||
Monday, July 11, 2011
Maysoon Latest Summer Collection 2011
Maysoon Latest Summer Collection 2011
exquisite designing and chic image which shows in all their lines from Casuals, Party-Wear to Bridals.The company was set up ten years ago. In a short span Maysoon has created a fashion revolution with its exquisite designing and chic image which shows in all their lines from Casuals, Party-Wear to Bridals. Maysoon is a new name in Pakistani fashion industry race. Maysoon has recently launched their summer collection. All designs in their pret collection are very fashionable and trendy. Maysoon collection color theme is Bright and Laud like bright lemon color, bright purple and shiny blue etc. Maysoon feature model is Ayyan Ali a famous Pakistani model, who look very cute and stunning in Maysoon summer clothes. Lets take a look at recent collection of Maysoon pair up these fun shirts with latest churridar and enjoy your outings with full confidence.
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Sunday, July 10, 2011
Facts about Kati Pahari Karachi
Kati Pahari has emerge as a famous area of Karachi City.Ex-Mayor of Karachi Syed Mustafa Kamal cut this Mountain range for connecting Orangi, Qasba to North Nazimabad for daily trade of City.Backside of Mountain has Qasba, Orangi and Site areas and mostly Factories and mills are their.So Mustafa Kamal make it easily for industrialist to transport their goods to market easily.
But cutting Mountain now causing fights in Karachi.It is totally anarchy in city.Some think tanks believes that cutting mountain range has a very big story behind it.They believe that behind this foreign agencies are involved.They know very well that Muhajirs and Pakhtoons are arch-rival since creation of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan.The range starts from Sarjani which is in Northern Part of city to the Banaras which is in Southern parts.Backside of Mountain contains Pakhtoons and front side is Muhajirs majority.So before cutting ceremony of this mountain between middle both arch-Rivals was facing problem in fights so enemies of Islam and Pakistan planned to cut this Pahari(Mountain) to make great battle between Pakhtoon-Muhajirs and to demolish economy of Karachi and also Pakistan because Karachi is economic hub of country.Now security and Intelligence agencies of Pakistan comes into action and now they are arresting foreign agents from this parts which was living in a masks of Pakhtoons and Afghanis but infact they are foreign agents and they are not muslims.Pakistan Agencies calling them Talibans to make fool world and also cleaning the city from these dangerous worms if they called them US agents or foreign agents than its a huge chance that US 'll pressurize Pakistan government to release their agents like Raymond Davis.
Final News of the World hits stands as scandal closes tabloid
London (CNN) -- The last edition of the News of the World hit stands Sunday morning, as Britain's best-selling newspaper shuts down in the face of a scandal over illegal eavesdropping and bribery that has outraged Britain and rattled the foundation of the nation's political establishment.
Plastered with a montage of recent front pages across its cover, and with a reproduction of its 1843 first front page on the inside, the paper struck a wistful yet proud tone in its final editorial Sunday.
And it repeated its owner's apology for the criminal activities that brought the 168-year-old paper down.
"Phones were hacked, and for that this newspaper is truly sorry," it said in an unsigned piece. "There is no justification for this appalling wrongdoing."
The paper welcomed Prime Minister David Cameron's call for two different inquiries, one into how police investigated the allegations of phone hacking, and a separate one into the ethics and standards of British journalists.
Separately, police are already conducting their second investigation into the hacking itself.
Those ensnared in the police investigation include Andy Coulson, a former editor of the paper and an ex-communications director for Cameron. He and the paper's former royal correspondent, Clive Goodman, as well as a 63-year-old man were all arrested Friday in connection with allegations of corruption.
Both Coulson and Goodman were released on bail late Friday. The third man, who was not named, was freed on bail Saturday morning. All three were ordered to report to police in October.
The scandal has prompted questions over the British prime minister's judgment.
Cameron hired Coulson following the journalist's resignation as editor of News of the World after Goodman and a private investigator, Glenn Mulcaire, were jailed in 2007 over hacking.
Coulson has always maintained he did not know about Goodman and Mulcaire's use of illegal methods to get information about Prince William and other high-profile figures, but quit because the crime happened when he ran the paper.
Analysts say media magnate Rupert Murdoch will be eager to limit the damage to News Corporation's bid to take over U.K. satellite broadcaster BSkyB, which has been placed in question by the allegations against News International.
British Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt will consider the impact of the News of the World's closure as he reviews its bid for BSkyB, his office said Friday.
Labour and Liberal Democrat politicians Sunday morning lined up to oppose Murdoch's efforts to take over BSkyB, in which he already owns a controlling interest.
Labour leader Ed Miliband called for a vote in parliament on the issue, and Liberal Democrat Simon Highes -- a victim of phone hacking himself -- told Sky News the best solution would be for Murdoch to withdraw his bid.
Cameron and Hunt are Conservatives.
Staff of the scandal-hit paper emotionally departed their London newsroom for the last time Saturday night, proudly holding up the final edition of the tabloid.
Scores of the newspaper's employees left their office around 10 p.m., issuing three cheers for their editor Colin Myler before heading out to a local pub. Many carried copies of the final edition, which featured a headline that read simply: "Thank you and goodbye."
"I want to pay tribute to this wonderful team of people here," said Myler, gesturing to his staff. "This is not where we wanted to be, or where we deserve to be."
The paper's roughly 200-member staff are now out of jobs, but have been told they can apply elsewhere within its parent company, News International -- the main British subsidiary of News Corporation.
News of the World showbiz editor Dan Wootton posted on Twitter that 5 million copies were being printed Sunday, twice the usual circulation of 2.5 million.
News International Chairman James Murdoch, who is Rupert Murdoch's son, said all revenue from the last edition would go to "good causes" and that free advertising space would be offered to charities.
But the paper itself said Sunday that "profits" -- not "revenues" -- would go to charity.
It listed three recipients: the children's charity Barnardo's, the Forces Children's Trust, and "military projects at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham Charity."
Meanwhile, the Church of England, which owns shares worth about $6 million in Murdoch's News Corporation empire, has put pressure on him to act over the scandal.
The church's ethical investment committee has written to Murdoch, saying the "behaviour of the News of the World has been utterly reprehensible and unethical."
The letter, part of which is posted on the church's website, says that the closure of News of the World -- while welcome -- does not go far enough.
"We cannot imagine circumstances in which we would be satisfied with any outcome that does not hold senior executives to account at News Corporation for the gross failures of management at the News of the World," the letter says.
According to audio leaked to the media, News International's chief executive Rebekah Brooks said in a meeting with staff Friday that she was "determined to get vindication for this paper. And for people like you."
But she also told staff that it had to be shut down because worse revelations about its activities were imminent, the U.K.'s Telegraph newspaper reported.
Brooks has come under increasing pressure to step down over the scandal, with Cameron saying Friday he would have accepted her reported offer to resign.
Police are also investigating evidence that a senior News International executive may have deleted millions of e-mails from an internal archive, according to legal sources cited by the Guardian newspaper.
The decision to close the News of the World followed accusations that it illegally eavesdropped on the phone messages of murder and terrorist victims, politicians and celebrities, and claims it may have bribed police officers. Police said Thursday they had identified almost 4,000 potential targets of hacking.
Cameron defended his actions in hiring Coulson on Friday, saying, "The decision to hire him was mine, and mine alone."
He said he had decided to give Coulson a second chance after receiving assurances that he had not been involved in wrongdoing at the newspaper. Coulson has denied knowing about phone hacking while he was editor from 2003 to 2007.
Downing Street on Saturday confirmed that Cameron has approached the United Kingdom's judiciary to suggest names for the judge to lead the inquiry into the News of the World hacking claims.
News of the World was the first British national newspaper Rupert Murdoch bought, in 1969, as he began to propel himself from Australian newspaper proprietor to international media magnate.
In addition to owning News of the World, News International owns the Sun, the Times and the Sunday Times in Britain.
Murdoch's News Corporation also encompasses Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and Harper Collins publishers.
FACTBOX - Who is James Murdoch?
Here are some facts about James Murdoch:
-- His appointment as chief executive of the British broadcaster BSkyB in 2003 was initially met with accusations of nepotism, but he impressed analysts and investors by broadening the company, of which News Corp owns 39 percent, from a pure pay-TV offering to include broadband and telephony.
-- In March 2011, News Corp promoted James to deputy chief operating officer, a move that appeared to mark him as eventual successor to his 80-year-old father.
-- James Murdoch has stirred up controversy during his rise to power, notably in August 2009, when he used a keynote speech at a major TV festival to launch a blistering attack on Britain's state-owned broadcaster, the BBC , echoing his father's speech from the same platform 20 years earlier.
-- The younger Murdoch called the BBC's expansion plans "chilling" and accused the corporation of distorting competition by dumping free, state-sponsored news on the market.
-- Born in December 1972, James is the youngest of Rupert Murdoch's three children from his first marriage. He has a sister, Elisabeth, and a brother, Lachlan.
-- Schooled in New York, James studied film and history at Harvard University, but dropped out in 1995 without completing his degree.
-- Gaining a reputation as the family rebel, he started a hip-hop record company, Rawkus Records, which was bought by News Corp in 1996.
-- The same year he was appointed chairman of another News Corp music label, Australia-based Festival Records. He went on to take charge of the company's fledgling Internet operations.
-- When News Corp's Internet business was founded in the early days of the dot-com boom to house websites such as, James was made president of the unit and managed investments in, PlanetRx and Healtheon/WebMD.
-- As boom turned to bust, News Corp had to write off much of its $1 billion investment with Healtheon/WebMD.
-- Wired magazine reported in 2000: "Although Murdoch Junior denies any responsibility for focusing his father on the Internet -- 'It wasn't me! It wasn't me!' he cries in mock horror -- insiders say he's been very influential."
-- As the dot-coms imploded, James Murdoch went to Hong Kong in 2000 as chairman and CEO of News Corp's Asian satellite service, Star TV, remaining there for three years before taking up the top job at BSkyB in 2003.
-- In 2007 he took over the leadership of News International, News Corp's British newspaper stable and owner of the News of the World, Britain's biggest selling Sunday paper, in his role as News Corp's chairman and chief executive for Europe and Asia. In 2009 he became News International's executive chairman as Rebekah Brooks became its chief executive.
-- As allegations multiplied that its journalists had hacked into the voicemails of thousands of people, from child murder victims to the families of Britain's war dead, the tabloid haemorrhaged advertising, alienated millions of readers and posed a growing threat to Murdoch's hopes of buying broadcaster BSkyB .
-- Murdoch had been battling to win approval for the proposed $14 billion buyout of BSkyB, of which he is a former chief executive.
-- It fell to James Murdoch to announce that the paper would close after a final edition on July 10.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Shoaib Mansoor's film "BOL" beats ''MY NAME IS KHAN'' RECORD earns Rs22.038 million
KARACHI: (Humari News) Shoaib Mansoor’s movie ‘Bol’ released under the banner of Geo Films has not only established new success records, it has even set a new business record at the box office. It has become the film earning the highest gross in the first week of release, smashing all previous records.
Shah Rukh Khan’s film “My Name Is Khan” had done business of Rs21.658 million in a week, whereas ‘Bol’ has done business of Rs22.038 million in just six days. It is expected that when record of the full week is available, this film will make a gross earning of Rs25 million setting up new business record.
It may be recalled that ‘Khuda Key Liye’ the first movie of Shoaib Mansoor too had set up new records and now his second venture is maintaining the tradition. A large number of fans are making a beeline to cinemas and multiplexes. Families are specially being attracted to the movie and they want to see it at the earliest.
Since its first show on June 24, the film is continuously on the march to success. By thronging the cinemas, viewers have proved that if good and standard films are produced, they will definitely be attracted to cinema houses.
Atif Aslam is very happy with the success of his film.He express to our reporter in a interview that when he received proposal from Shoaib Mansoor for his new film that time I knew that the film will break all records of lollywood and also bollywood.I am expecting my film to be counted in OSCAR AWARD.